PhotoRite Untuk Nokia E63
PhotoRite For Nokia E63
Aplikasi Edit Foto Untuk Nokia E63
copasan fitur dari sononya begini...
Capture and enhance photos to have much better
appearance! Add creative
photo frames and funny magic mirror and much
more amazing effects as you
take photos or on saved photos! The PhotoRite
SP for Symbian Series 60 is a Camera, Editor, Viewer all-in-one imaging
application for your
camera phone. Main features includes:
Take amazing photos with PhotoRite SP!
* Fully compatible with on-phone camera
* Real-time preview of effects and photo frames * save as different resolutions as supported by
the handset
* 8x digital zoom:
Our unique US patent pending technology
ensures the best quality picture
is taken every time! Now you can simply turn on the "Auto-fix" function
or re-touch the photos with the "Auto-fix"
function to get the enhanced
photo right on your mobile phone!
* US patent pending technology
* Correct backlighting, uneven/under exposure, color, low contrast, haze
* All with one ######
* Full screen viewing : Auto-rotate to use max.
display area Send MMS, Email, Bluetooth, InfraRed
directly! * Unlimited Undo/Redo in edit mode!
* Photo Rotation, resizing
* Easy to use User Interface
Engg... Ga tau deh yg di atep artinya apaan... Yg jelas guwe bisa pake ni app n hasilnya mantab juga.... Bisa di tambah2 frame lagi... cara kerjanya juga gak pake ribet... biasanya ni aplikasi di cari2 para cewe buat edit2 foto yg gak ribet.... Hehehe...
yodah ga usah banyak cing cong .... Langsung donlot ajah ni app udah + key gen... Jadi pas instal otomatis akan muncul 2 icon ,,, icon 2 yaitu untuk generate keygen / code dr app photorite ini.... Download:
photo ritesp+keygen
87 framesmasks 1
87 framesmasks 2
cara insert framenya Buka x-plore nya trus ke E:\private\200008B1\import\pr_frames
Nah di situ ada folder2 frames sesuai dgn
kategori nya, copas aja kesana ato klo mau lo
buat aja lg folder baru sesuaikan judul folder
dgn isi frames nya.. N kalo lo lo pada jago bikin kreatifitas gambar+mask bisa kok bikin frames sendiri....
selamat mencoba brader.....
-=Anda Sopan Saya Sopan =-